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Dr. José Mackliff

Jose Romeo Mackliff Hidalgo, Psychiatrist, researcher and scientist from Ecuador, born in Guayaquil, Ecuador (1.939-present). Creator of the B.E.A.M. (Bi-lateral Electrocoagulation of the adrenal marrow) procedure. A surgical procedure to eradicate the symptoms of mental illness such as Schizophrenia and also Parkinson's disease.

Dr. Mackliff finished his medical education in 1.967 at the Guayaquil State University (Guayaquil, Ecuador). His medical residency took place in Clínica Alcivar in Guayaquil, and in many other medical institutions like Hospital Luis Vernaza, Clínica Guayaquil, where his hands-on approach in E.R. made him a seasoned clinical doctor. After that time, he started working at the Lorenzo Ponce Hospital in Guayaquil, the mental hospital owned by the Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil. Where he immersed himself into the mystery of the human mind, and the cruel reality of the mental patient and their everlasting relationship to mental institutions and prescription drugs for life.

For any practical matter, Mental patients, are never going to be cured, up until now; since modern-day Psychiatry focuses on alleviating symptoms for mental patients. The inner dynamics and processes of the human mind are studied to bring about a change of psycho-somatic significance (psycho-analysis/therapy) in patients that suffer from disorders, phobias and past traumas- all of the pre-borderline order. For any Psychiatrist, committed to improve the mental health of his patients, the best treatments will only bring about a temporary improvement in behavior, only to find themselves with a relapse phase shortly afterwards; this, along with expensive prescription anti-psychotic medication for life.

"It really depressed me to know that I was never going to cure my patients"
Dr. Jose Mackliff - Circa 1.976

This harsh reality sparked his need to research. Dr. Mackliff started studying mental patients' sugar behavior. Based on a prior study by Hubbel Von Vallet & Dell, that said that therapeutic effects on mental patients were achieved with the drug Clorpromazine, by inhibiting brain adrenaline. Knowing this, Dr. Mackliff started to block it (adrenaline) by creating an increase of Glucose in the blood stream. "I started to administer Glucose by IV at 30%, and I was amazed to see how their symptoms notoriously improved" The concluding results of this study, after measuring glucose before, during and after meals, lead to learning that mental patients display a glucose regulation disorder.

Administering patients high doses of glucose as a permanent treatment was not convenient; the administration of hypertonic glucose combined with antipsychotic medicine became an effective alternative to sustain a positive change in behavior. The result was that improvement in patients was far superior than when using just antipsychotics alone (the traditional approach).

In June 1.986, Dr. Mackliff presented his work at the 6th Medical Congress at the Mercy Hospital at Miami, acknowledging that the work was not a definite treatment; his study of the Glucose patterns did garnered him some international recognition. Due to this fact, the idea of finding a way to block the adrenaline permanently arose for the first time. "This led me to the adrenal marrow surgery: the bilateral electro-coagulation of the adrenal medulla, the first discovery of a surgery designed for schizophrenic and Parkinson patients". Glucose peaks in the bloodstream, brought about an overall improvement in patients. Their relief was due to the temporary blocking of the adrenal medulla (producer of adrenaline) on the suprarenal glands, just above our kidneys.

With all the information and medical evidence compiled through the years, in 1.989, Dr. Mackliff decided to undertake a test surgery in lab dogs at the Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine of the University of Guayaquil. An amphetamine-induced psychosis was applied to a group of 10 test dogs. "The dogs were surgically intervened and the results were astonishing: after the surgery the psychosis disappeared after a period of 48 hours. With this surgery, I was able to conclude that an immediate regulation of the brain dopaminergic synapsis took place; thus eradicating symptoms of the amphetamine induced psychosis and its aggressiveness".

The human body has 3 "factories" to create adrenaline: one of them is in the suprarenal glands which go into the bloodstream. The 2nd one is in the brain (dopaminergic neurons), and the 3rd one in the autonomous system. Both of them -autonomous system & dopaminergic neurons- produce Tyrosine, an amino-acid that creates a chain of substances: dopa, dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. By blocking the tissue in the supra-renal glands, the production of adrenaline, and 20% of noradrenaline, would also be blocked in the human body, and therefore the symptoms in Schizophrenia disappear. Then in the brain, the glia and the hypothalamus will detect the lack of these substances, and take on the role of "producer" and start generating dopamine for the whole Tyrosine chain; this way regulating the lack of noradrenaline and adrenaline, but just in necessary amounts.

Dopamine will be available in parts of the brain where it is only needed (as in the "substantia nigra" in the case of Parkinson) and won't be released in areas where it exists in excess, as in the "limbic zone" in the case of schizophrenia. Our body will always find a way to adjust or "regulate" itself to an optimum state; therefore the blocking of adrenaline does not pose a threat to human life, since it is now produced in minor quantities. Allowing mental patients' adrenaline to be regulated to a normal state.



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