Versión en Español

The Procedure

B.E.A.M.: bi-lateral electrocoagulation of the adrenal medulla.

This procedure consists in blocking 100% of the production of Adrenalina from its source, and 20% of Noradrenaline from the adrenal marrow. Now the sinthesis of Dopamine will have a new regulation; a new biochemical blueprint, and a new system of signals that causes for the shaking in Parkinson's patients to disappear from the beggining, and the symptons from schizophrenic patients to be eliminated.

This procedure was created by Ecuadorean Psychiatrist, Dr Jose Mackliff Hidalgo, after more than 30 years of research, and is now considered to be the most permanent solution to Parkinson and Schizophrenia available to date. A revolutionary procedure, since it differs from a lifetime prescription of anti-psychotics for schizophrenics and multiple treatments for Parkinson's disease. Now, with the expert diagnose from a psychiatrist and a team of surgeons, these two diseases can now be treated successfully by electro-coagulating the suprarenal glands, that lay on top of our kidneys.

At the beginning of the decade of the 70's, it was discovered that by increasing glucose, the aggressiveness in psychotic patients decreased. By 1.974 Dr. Mackliff reviewed the results from a study realized by Hubell Von Vallet & Dell, in which the therapeutic effects of a drug called Clorpromazine on mental patients, were due precisely by inhibiting brain adrenaline.

"It was clear that inhibiting adrenaline was something therapeutically positive for mentally ill patients, so I decided to block it by creating an increase of Glucose in the blood stream on 52 chronic schizophrenic patients in relapse phase at the Lorenzo Ponce Hospital. Since it was known by now that hyperglycemia was good to these patients, I started to administer it by IV at 30% and I was amazed to see how their symptoms notoriously improved. Afterwards, I proceeded to measure glucose before, during and after meals, to learn that schizophrenic patients show a disorder in glucose regulation that depends on the hypofisis, the hypothalamus and the autonomous system. Since it wasn't convenient to administer to patients high doses of glucose as a permanent treatment, I decided to combine the administration of hypertonic glucose with antipsychotic medicine. The result was that improvement in patients was far superior than when using just antipsychotics alone".
By blocking the tissue in the suprarenal glands, 100% of adrenaline, and 20% of noradrenaline, was also blocked in the blood stream and the symptoms in Parkinson and Schizophrenia disappear. Then in the brain, the glia and the hypothalamus detect tthe lack of these substances and their metabolisms are detected, and therefore, the take on the role of neuro-endocrine brain regulators, and start generating a new modal system, a new plasticity to the Tirosine chain; this regulating the functions of Dopamine, Noradrenaline, and other neurotransmitters que communcate with these neurons. This way, Dopamine will be available in parts of the brain where it is only needed as in the "substantia nigra" in the case of Parkinson; and won't be released in areas where it exists in excess, as in the "limbic zone" in the case of schizophrenia.
After B.E.A.M., the biochemical and electrical stimuli of neurons that work with Dopamine, stimulate "new receptors" in the post-synapsis; generated "new responses", changed the synaptic plasticity, regulated the Glutamate and GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) receptors as well as frontal connections. We can now attest to these changes, due to the fact that chronic patients display immediate improvements post B.E.A.M; in their apathy – lack of motivation – and sphincter control. Changes that are actually controlled by the Hypothalamus.
 It was in 2.006 when the first B.E.A.M procedure on a human patient took place in Hospital Luis Vernaza - Guayaquil, Ecuador. The surgery was performed by a medical team, led by Dr. Oscar Sanchez Chavez, who together with Dr. Mackliff, for the first time in medical history opened the suprarenal gland in order to get to the adrenal medulla in the human body. It took 30 years to go from the notion that adrenaline can be blocked by increasing glucose to the action of blocking it permanently through electro-coagulating the suprarenal glands. A medical milestone that opens the door to endless possibilities in finding new alternatives to human health.

At the present time , B.E.A.M is only practiced in Ecuador, where it was created and developed. An increasing number of patients from all over the world are now part of the new medicine for the 21st century. B.E.A.M has brought about a change in the way we deal with Parkinson and Schizophrenia, now patients have the option of having a surgery than relying on drugs for life. The medical evidence has proven the original theory right - a disorder in glucose regulation in schizophrenic patients- , and is now the gateway to healing many other diseases that still afflict mankind.

B.E.A.M. is a surgery that regulates Dopamine and the whole Tirosine chain, bringing to these neutotransmitter the ability to generate a different stimuli, and a different post-synaptic response as well; meaning that the new biochemical information turns into different singals for the neurons. Parkinson is a disease that suffers from the lack of Dopamine- It needs it to be stimulated. It is important to note that in the lack of adrenaline, the Tyrosine biochemical chain is stimulated; this increases the production of Dopamine - which carries chemical information that turns into an electrical code for the neurons. Having more Dopamine, which it is stimulated to generate Adrenaline from a different source, the Hypothalamus and substantia nigra, inhibits motions (shaking/tremors), while on the other hand, the lack of Dopamine, increases the production of Acetylcholine which stimulates movements. With B.E.A.M., the blocked Adrenaline, stimulates Dopamine to "regulate" its absence, therefore eliminating the shaking and tremors that are characteristic of Parkinson's. B.E.A.M. is a regulatory surgery in nature.

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